How to Get a Warisan Certificate in Bangladesh and a Succession Certificate
Warisan and Succession Certificate is a very important document that shows who a person’s heirs or replacements are after they die. The Ward Councilor’s Office in the City Corporation area, the Ward Commission’s Office in the Pourashava area, or the Union Parishad Chairman’s Office in the Union Parishad area is in charge of giving out Warisan Certificates. The Succession Act of 1925 says that the Court is the only one who can give out a Succession Certificate. In this piece, we’ll talk about how a person in Bangladesh can get a Warisan Certificate and a Succession Certificate from the right office.
How to get a Warisan and Succession Certificate in Bangladesh
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We will explain here with step by step process how can you get a Warishan and the certificate of succession once you are in a position of needing to do so.
It is a certificate with a list of a person’s heirs printed on the letterhead pad of the Ward Councilor’s Office in the City Corporation area, the Ward Commission’s Office in the Pourashava area, or the Union Parishad Chairman’s Office in the Union Parishad area. This document shows who the dead person’s heirs are, unless it is taken away by the right people.
What is a certificate of succession?
It is a document that proves how much of the property each person owns. This includes bank deposits (liquid money), shares, cars, certificates and bonds, stocks, insurance amounts, etc., and the right court has to give it. Section 371 of the Succession Act of 1925 says that a certificate can be given by the District Judge where the deceased usually lived at the time of his death, or, if he didn’t have a fixed place to live at the time of his death, by the District Judge where any part of the deceased’s property may be found.
It is needed for the children of the person who died to be able to divide and share the person’s real property. Also, this document is needed for a number of government functions and offices, such as the AC Land and Sub-Registry Office to finish the mutation and transfer of the land.
It is needed when a person dies and leaves behind immovable property, such as money in the bank, shares, cars, certificates and bonds, stocks, insurance money, etc., the court must issue a document under Section 372 of the Succession Act of 1925 to show who the legal heirs of that person are. The bank and other government offices need this license to change the ownership of these fixed properties.
Step 1: Documents you need:
Pictures of the applicant and his or her heirs (passport size), NIDs of the applicant and his or her heirs, the name of the applicant’s parents, the applicant’s present address, his or her permanent address, the deceased person’s NID and Death Certificate.

Step 2: Fill out the application.
If the person who died usually lived in the city corporation area at the time of their death, the registration form can be found in the office of the Ward Councilor. You can also find this form online by going here for the Dhaka North City Corporation or here for the Dhaka South City Corporation.
If the person who died usually lived in the Pourashava area at the time of their death, the entry form can be found in the office of the Ward Commission.
If the person who died usually lived in the Union Parishad area at the time of their death, the form can be found in the office of the Union Parishad Chairman.
It’s important to note that this Warisan Certificate can now also be found by clicking here and going through a full online process. This online process is quick and easy, so you don’t have to deal with any extra trouble to get the Warisan Certificate. But not all city governments, or Pourashava, or Union Parishad can use this online process. You can also find this information by clicking on the link above.
The filled-out application form and the above-mentioned papers need to be sent to the right authority.
Step 1: Documents you need:

Pictures of the applicant and heirs (passport size), NIDs of the applicant and heirs, the Warisan Certificate and NID of the dead person, and the death certificate of the deceased person.
Step 2: Getting the application ready:
According to Section 372 of the Succession Act of 1925, the applicant must make an application, verify and sign it, and send it to the District Judge in whose jurisdiction the deceased normally lived at the time of his death, or, if he did not have a fixed place of residence at the time of his death, to the District Judge in whose jurisdiction any part of the deceased’s property can be found after paying the right court fees.
Step 3: The court process of warisan certificate:
The right court will start the process by giving the applicant a chance to have a preliminary hearing, and if the application is accepted, the hearing will be held.
After the preliminary hearing, the judge will set a date for the final hearing and send notice to whoever the judge thinks should know about it.
After the last hearing, if the judge finds that the applicant has the right to the certificate, he or she will make an order that the certificate be given to the applicant.
If the judge can’t decide who has the right to the certificate without answering questions of law or fact that seem too complicated and hard to answer quickly, he may still give the certificate to the applicant if it seems like he has the best claim to it.

Step 4: What’s on the certificate:
When the District Judge gives a certificate, he must list the bills and securities that were listed in the application for the certificate. This can give the person who received the certificate the power to:
(a) to get interest or profits on, or
(b) to talk about money or property,
(c) to both get interest or dividends on the stocks or any of them and to trade or sell them.
Do you need to get a Warisan and Succession Certificate in Bangladesh?
Get your Warisan and Succession Certificate in Bangladesh with the help of TahmidurRahman Remura: TRW: The Law Firm in Bangladesh:
The legal team of Rahman, The Law Firm in Bangladesh: TRW, The Law Firm in Bangladesh are highly experienced in providing all kinds of services related to Warisan and Succession Certificate in Bangladesh. For queries or legal assistance, please reach us at:
Phone: +8801829737374 or +8801829737374 or +8801708080817
Address: House 149, Block B, Road 05, Bashundhara